Python is the best Programming language to learn first, and this article is going to give you 5 solid reasons why one of which is that Python is relatively easy and robust in terms of its real-world applications.
You are probably wondering what programming language I learn first, whether you are looking to start coding as a hobby or professionally, this is the right place to get the full gist of why Python is a good first programming language to learn.
Here is what we would look at in this article:
· What is Python Programming Language?
· 5 reasons why I should learn Python Programming Language first
· Tips on how to start a career as a Python Programmer
· Conclusion
What is Python Programming Language?
Python is a high-level general-purpose language that is multi-compatible and relatively easy to learn.
Python is a very robust programming language because it has so many preinstalled library functions and modules.
Without any further delay, let's dive deep into the reason you are here.
5 reasons why I should learn Python Programming Language first
These reasons may be subject to debate because others might have different opinions on what their first programming language should be. But for those who are here, let’s get to it. The first on the list is the most obvious of them all.
1. Python is relatively easy to learn
Why should this be considered when choosing your first programming language? For those who have ever learned a programming language before, either Python or whichever.
You should know how easy it is to lose interest if you are not committed and determined to learn it. This also applies to any skill you are trying to learn.
This is why Python is preferred as the first programming language to learn because you are less likely to lose interest because its syntaxes are really easy to understand.
2. Time Frame
There is also the issue of time frame. Most times people can’t sit down and learn a skill that can take you months before you ever get to start putting those skills to work. Python is a very good programming language because it takes a shorter period to learn than any programming language I know.
From the little experience I have, I learned Python programming language in less than one month. When I say less than one month, I don’t mean you can learn everything about Python in less than a month and not refer back to its documentation once in a while.
Even seasoned Python coders, of them, still have to go back to check some Python library documentation. No one knows it all.
The point I’m making is that it took me less than a month to learn Python before I was able to move on to other frameworks like Django framework for website design.
If you need more information on this, check out our article that teaches you how to learn Python in two weeks. This article is a very practical guide, as it takes you to step by step on how to go about learning Python in 2 weeks.
3. Less Line of Code
Below shows a Python code to print two numbers.
One advantage that Python has over quite a number of other Programming languages is that it executes its codes with fewer lines.
Taking this into account is something to consider as a beginner looking to learn a Programming language.
4. Huge Library Functions
Python is one programming language that has one of the largest library functions and modules. It has modules for performing mathematical operations, scientific operations, graphical representations, modeling, design, etc.
Python is truly robust in terms of its library functions and modules.
5. Diversity in its usage
When you do decide to learn Python programming language, one thing you need to know is that there are many areas you can decide to branch out into from here.
Learning Python isn’t enough to land a job in any company or work as a freelance developer, you need to learn a framework with it.
In this section, I would be listing out the different areas in that Python can be used and how to go about learning them.
· Website Design: The framework that allows you to develop a dynamic website using Python is Django Framework. Python has two major frameworks for developing a web application, which is the flask and Django frameworks. The Django framework is more robust compared to the flask.
· Machine Learning: Python is one of the best programming languages for developing Machine learning models. Python also has many library functions that enable you to develop machine-learning models.
· Data Analysis: Python is also a go-to language for Data Analysis. You have modules like matplotlib for data visualization, numpy, and pandas.
· Data Science: Python is also very popular in the world of data science. Most data scientist makes use of Python programming language. You have the Sci-kit library for scientific programming in python.
· Game Development: Pygame is a module in Python that enables you to create games easily. So if you are thinking of branching out into game development, python is a good programming language to try out.
· Mobile Application: Python can be used to develop mobile apps using the library function called KIVY. Although, python is regarded as less preferable when it comes to mobile app development. There are other programming languages that are better for mobile app development compared to Python. For example, java, flutter, swift, etc.
Tips on how to start a career as a Python Programmer
Now that you have 5 strong reasons why you should learn Python first, I want to give you tips on how you can kick-start your career as a Python programmer.
· Create as you learn
One of the best ways to learn a skill and master it is to create and learn. Don’t just learn and learn for a long period of time, but also create a project, and put what you have learned to practice.
There are many Python projects you can execute even as you are learning. For example, building a simple calculator using Python.
· Create a portfolio
Having a portfolio of your work doesn’t only show how committed you are but also showcases your strengths and area of specialization to your potential employers and clients.
· Sign up for LinkedIn
LinkedIn is a work and social media platform for professionals that enable you to be able to network and share your skillsets for others to see.
Many beginner-level and even professionals get jobs through LinkedIn. So it is a very great place to start off, from there you can sign up to other platforms like Fiverr and Upwork.
With these platforms, you would have the opportunity of getting clients outside your geographical location.
· Keep Learning
Always stay up to date with new and exciting technologies within your field. You do this by continuous learning.
I hope you have learned something here today. If you need the complete tutorial on Python programming language, we have a 3 part series article that teaches you everything you need to know.